

Hey Guys & Gals! Jeff Williams here. 

There aren’t many public figures more polarizing than Donald Trump.

And today, the former President’s landslide victory in this weekend’s Iowa caucuses is causing panic amongst the world’s elite.

Just as it was quickly becoming obvious that Trump’s competitors were going to lose and lose big early on on Sunday, that news was spreading half a world away. 

You see, the fat cats gathered in the Swiss Alps for the annual Davos World Economic Forum are nervous about the implications of another Trump presidency.

For these globalists, their fears stem from Trump’s recent proposal to enforce a 10% tariff on all imported goods. 

Oh, and remember in 2020, when Trump attended Davos, he said “NATO is dead” and warned that the US wouldn’t defend Europe if it were attacked?

Folks, this is just the tip of the iceberg for MASSIVE changes that a 2nd Trump presidency might bring.

I’m not making a political statement here…I’m just enforcing the fact that, for investors and traders, this subject is going to start causing a lot of volatility.  And my members think so, too – here’s a quote from my Chat this morning!

Ain’t that the truth!

Think I am stressing over the increasing influence that election-based politics is going to have on the market over the next 10 months?

Heck no!

And that’s because my long-running Market Navigator strategy has me focused on trading just one security (SPY baby!), for only 2 hours per day.

As a Market Navigator member, you can follow along as I work toward my goal of entering my morning “Trade of the Day” shortly after the market opens, and then exiting by 11am.

That’s less than 2 hours after the market opens. 

Guys and gals, the results speak for themselves:

Note: Trading is hard, results not guaranteed and should not be expected to be replicated typically.

This is a shot of my REAL MONEY account trading journal, showing about a 90% success rate on over 280 trades in that two-hour window.

These results start in 2022 and extend through the end of 2023.

Of course not all trades are winners.

But the losing trades provide some of the best lessons to teach my members about how to cut your losses before they become too big.

Not only have I been trading for more than 20 years, I’ve also been using the experience I gathered as a former teacher in the New York State school system to teach my Market Navigator members how to last in this business.

👉 And right now, Market Navigator membership includes FULL ACCESS to the MarketMasters Chat Room every day of the week (that’s a $997 value!)?!?

It’s a no brainer.

Come here to learn more about how you can gain exclusive access before we take this special deal off the table.

Let me teach you how I plan on using the upcoming election headlines to set my basic SPY options trades for the morning. 

Sound like fun? 

I hope to see you tomorrow morning for my NEXT live teaching and trading session.

Jeff Williams

P.S. As always, for questions about any of our services, contact our amazing sales team at 1-800-585-4488 / [email protected] / [email protected]. They’d love to hear from you!

Questions or concerns about our products? Email [email protected] 

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