Jeff Bishop – Raging Bull Tue, 03 Jan 2023 20:14:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Jeff Bishop – Raging Bull 32 32 158338491 Start 2023 the right way Tue, 03 Jan 2023 20:11:58 +0000 Hello Trader,

The New Year is upon us, and with that, it’s important to set goals for the year. Without goals, well, how do you know what you want to achieve, and how do you measure your success? You can’t!

 Here’s what I recommend doing to start off 2023 the right way:

  1. Set clear goals: It’s important to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve as a trader. Take some time to set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals for the year ahead. This will help to stay focused and motivated working towards trading objectives.
  2. Review and reassess your trading strategy: It’s a good idea to periodically review and reassess your trading strategy to ensure that it is still effective and aligned with your goals. Consider what has and hasn’t worked for you in the past, and make any necessary adjustments to your strategy. 
  3. Stay up to date: The market is constantly changing, so it’s important to stay up to date with the latest trends, news, and analysis. This can help you make more informed trading decisions and stay ahead of the curve.
  4. Manage risk: Risk management is a critical aspect of trading. Make sure you have a solid risk management plan in place to protect your capital and minimize potential losses.
  5. Seek out education and support: Continuing to learn and improve your skills as a trader is key to long-term success. Consider joining a community of traders or working with a mentor to help you stay motivated and on track.

This is where I come in.

Are you looking to start the new year off on the right foot as a trader? If so, Bullseye Trades might be exactly what you need.

I’m a seasoned trader with over two decades of experience in the market. Despite 2022 being a rough year for many, I’ve had one of my best years ever with Bullseye Trades, and my members are loving it! 

I have tons of members who absolutely love the service.

Check out what Kali has to say…


Or how about Rhonda…


Or how about Jeff (great name, btw!)… 


I’m so proud to have helped my students improve their understanding of how the market works and get them great trade ideas week in and week out!

With Bullseye Trades, you’ll get access to a wealth of resources and support to help you succeed as a trader. You’ll receive my #1 trade idea each and every week, live training webinars, and access to a private community of like-minded traders. 

And, you’ll have the opportunity to learn directly from me, Jeff Bishop, as I share my insights and strategies for finding and executing winning trades.

bullseye trades banner

Here’s a few examples from last year (I hope to repeat these in 2023!)

TSLA chart

Or this beauty on TTD…

TTD puts chart

Or how about ERX?

ERX chart

Now, anyone can cherry pick a few good trades but these are all very recent trades that my Bullseye members got to see firsthand, and all before the market even started trading for the week.

There is 100% transparency and a complete breakdown of my game plan for exactly what and why I want to trade the stock – you just can’t get any better than that!

Now not all my trades work this well, (check out these trades from 2022, I’m proud of them!) but I can help you think like a pro and that develop’s your own trading plans and playbook. 

Not only do you get my best trade idea every single week, you also get a detailed breakdown of why I like the trade setup, and where my entry is going to be. Check out why I have nearly 10,000 subscribers here!

So, if you’re ready to start the new year off on the right foot as a trader, consider joining Bullseye Trades. With the right tools and support, you can set yourself up for success in the coming year.

And, there’s never been a better time to join. Right now, just for the new year and for a limited time you can get Bullseye Trades for less than 50 bucks. You read that right, I’m so committed to helping you improve I’m basically giving this amazing service away.

I know you won’t be disappointed, but in the unlikely event that you are, I’m even offering a 30-day money back guarantee. So really, what do you have to lose?

For a few more days I am slashing the price from nearly $400 per year.

Right now, you can access everything that Bullseye 

has to offer for just $47.

Bullseye trades products

There is no better way to start off your New Year than equipping yourself with the tools to make you a more productive, more efficient trader each week.

See what thousands and thousands of people are raving about!

> Get my next Bullseye trade here <<

Jeff Bishop

P.S.  Spend some time and look through the past trade ideas and education I have been delivering week after week and see for yourself if you think it could help you benefit as a trader.

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Your ticket to Bullseye Academy is inside Mon, 14 Nov 2022 15:08:04 +0000 Bullseye Academy begins in a few hours. If you ever wanted to learn the basics of options trading, all the way through to advanced strategies, sign up now as the course begins in a few hours.

This is the deal of the year, for just $49 bucks, you get lessons with me for 30 minutes a day every day this week. I haven’t done a course like this in years and this is your last chance to jump in.

Bullseye Academy banner

Do you think I just pull a Bullseye idea out of a hat each week?

Heck no!  There is a lot of thought and research that goes into every single idea I put out.

In Bullseye Academy, I’ll be breaking down how I structure and identify my legendary Bullseye Trades, just like last week’s idea:

My Trade Details:

  • META Nov 18 $93 calls near $3.20
  • Stop: Close below $88
  • Target 1: $98
  • Target 2: $104

Here’s what happened:

Meta puts chart

Here’s how I traded it:

trade details

Not all my ideas work this well, but I can teach you how to think like a pro. 

If you want to know how I come up with great Ideas like this every week and why I use options, you need to join the Bullseye Academy!

I’ve been doing this for 20 years and over that time, have learned a thing or two. This is your opportunity to learn from a master, and if you’ve got any questions you want to know, there’ll be a live Q&A after every session. 

Jeff training

Here’s the Curriculum breakdown:

  • Monday: Options 101. Let’s start from the beginning. What is the difference between in-the-money and out-of-the-money options & why would you trade each?
  • Tuesday: Buying vs selling options. When you want to trade each & when to close out trades
  • Wednesday: “Liquid leverage” and how to identify setups that have 100%+ possibilities. How to build a gameplan with stop loss & profit targets.
  • Thursday: Options greeks. What you should know and why you should care about Delta, Theta. What is IV & how it affects prices?
  • Friday: Advanced strategies.  Learn in detail about what are verticals, butterflies, iron condors, and covered calls – and when to use them.

And if you think $49 isn’t worth it (you’ve got to be kidding?!) I am even including a full 30-day money back guarantee – so what do you really have to lose here?

We sold out the initial seats this weekend.  I am going to put just 20 more today. 

No matter what, we are closing this down right before class starts @ 2pm EST.

I am really excited to have the opportunity to teach so many people this week! 

It all starts in just a few hours (recordings will be available on demand), so sign up today and become a part of the Bullseye Community!

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What AMZN’s Collapse Means For YOU Fri, 28 Oct 2022 18:18:42 +0000 If you haven’t learned by now, RARELY does the market make it easy for bulls to catch and hold onto market bottoms.

With that, I give you AMZN.

If you didn’t hear, AMZN collapsed 20% after the market close on Thursday, after rallying more than the S&P 500 during the October bounce.

In other words, a lot of retail traders who thought they caught AMZN’s bottom earlier this month are now learning that it’s not easy to properly position at market bottoms.

After 20+ years in this business, I am proud to confess that some of my toughest personal lessons came during bear markets like this year’s. 

jeff at a football game

That’s why I have to laugh when I hear folks tell me that their strategy is to follow “popular” traders on social trading websites.

I laugh because these so-called “experts” built their popularity during a PUMPED UP bull market, when even throwing darts at a dart board worked.

Guess what happened when that bubble popped earlier this year?

Those same traders looking for the easy way out lost their shirts as their “popular” leaders simply ran for cover.

That’s right!

When these retail traders needed guidance most, leadership ran into hiding.

Me, on the other hand?

Well, I’ll just let my members do the talking:


These comments are from this ugly year we’ve been having.

Now, 2022 isn’t 2008, yet, but it’s getting close.

The 2008 to 2009 financial crisis was a dark period that will live with me forever, because it allowed me to develop a strategy that helped me bounce back.

And RIGHT NOW, as markets are bouncing back from EXTREMELY bearish conditions, is the time to use it.

I’ve been sharing some real gems in my LIVE trading sessions this week, because this market is producing SO MANY great opportunities.

Click here to check this strategy out.

To YOUR Success!!!

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TSLA Going Down With Cathie’s Ship Fri, 21 Oct 2022 18:11:50 +0000 In case you missed it, Business Insider published a great article earlier this week.

Insider Article

Like I’ve been doing for the past few years, this article exposed a few financial influencers for what they really are. 

And who took the brunt of the criticism?

None other than Ark’s Cathie Wood. 

The article provided a wonderful walk down memory lane of some of Cathie’s most fantastical predictions that, by now, may have ruined many of her followers.

This particular excerpt is priceless:

“Nowhere is this more clear than in Wood’s Ark Innovation ETF, one of the highest flyers of the bubble. Wood specialized in winning over retail investors with grand stories of the tech to come: decentralized finance, artificial intelligence, and crypto. She predicted that Tesla’s stock would rise to $4,600 and courted amateur traders to come join her on the ride to the future. It was wild, and people loved it: Investors in South Korea even nicknamed her “Money Tree.” In January 2021, the peak of the exuberance, the flagship exchange-traded fund sat at $137 a share. Since then, it has crashed to about $36. Without the tailwind of low borrowing costs, it became clear that the money tree was — and always had been — bare.

Wood’s open letter to the Fed argued that raising interest rates would cause painful deflation in our economy. I’m sure Chairman Powell was happy to read it, as deflation is actually the goal of this monetary policy. Hiking interest rates so fast that it crashes the economy is not ideal. But ignoring our inflation problem and allowing it to push up costs throughout the economy ad infinitum isn’t really an option the Fed can consider right now. It would help Wood’s portfolio, though.”

Picking sound trade ideas and educating folks on how to manage these ideas is what I’ve been doing for 20+ YEARS!

But yet, when judged in the modern-day court of public opinion, it appears I’m darn good at it.

Bullseye trades rating

You know what else?

There’s a TON of competition in this business…

And some of the biggest players are still getting their members caught up in CHASING hot stocks and letting drawdowns build during market sell-offs like we’re having this year.

Motley fool rating

Do I have your attention now?

Before you do anything else today, before you go and make any of life’s inevitable decisions, I want you to watch this replay, at NO RISK to you, of a special event that I held this past week.



Because, I see A STORM BREWING! I think this market is going much lower, and this video discusses all the SECRETS I have used over my 20+ year career to make it to where I am today.

I TRUST you’ll make the right decision here BEFORE it’s TOO late.

To YOUR Success!

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Look What I Found On Twitter Fri, 07 Oct 2022 18:06:54 +0000 Last night, I was scrolling through twitter, like I often do, and I came across a FinTwit account with a catchy name.

When I hovered over the account name to see how many followers the account had, I was astonished to see that there were 189,000 followers. Who knows if these numbers are real or not?

Anyway, when clicked on the account, my initial impression was about what I expected:

  • Flashy graphics to go along with the catchy name
  • Proclamation that the account owner is a trading EXPERT the Bio section
  • TONS of trade ideas

And you know what else?


  • No education or guidance to support the idea
  • No trade plan
  • No intra-trade management

Folks, that’s not only sad, it’s dangerous!!!

Jeff in front of a chart

I also found it interesting that as I scrolled through, NONE of the past ideas (we’re talking like 60 of them) were losers.

I hate to break it to you folks, but that’s practically impossible.

Cherry-picked trades that come with LOTS of bells and whistles are what has become so dangerous about today’s market.

There are SO many self-proclaimed market experts with FAR more design knowledge than market knowledge who do nothing but feed retail FOMO.

Greed is omnipresent in trading, and sadly these flashy accounts often cause inexperienced traders to put their faith in them.

Sure this may work in a bull market, but by now you’ve probably learned that bear markets without Fed support are a totally different animal.

  • I’ve been a trader and educator for over 20 years
  • I also have an economics degree
  • Plus, I have built one of the most popular financial literacy and day trading companies in existence

Jeff in front of a RagingBull sign

Believe me when I tell you that this form of trading is NOT the way to progress.

You may learn through the school of hard knocks, but by the time that happens you might just be WIPED OUT!

And if you are looking to trade options?

Well, that’s an entirely different ballgame.


Because, in addition to managing market moves, options traders have to manage the GREEKS. 

The leverage gained by options is intoxicating, I know it.

Heck, just this week my Bullseye Trade idea moved 200% vs. a 32% rise in the underlying stock.

MARA chart

Here’s the play-by-play.

As is often the case, this was a REAL-MONEY trade that I traded in my own account:

MARA trade

At the start of this week, I provided my Bullseye Unlimited members, many of whom are enjoying this service for just $7, with the usual Monday morning pre-market trade plan:

My Trade Details

I then monitored the Bullseye Trade messaging platform to see if members need any sort of assistance or if they just want to chat:



I then provided IMMEDIATE app alerts to tell my members when I was exiting portions of the trade…

trade alert

trade alerts

Folks, this level of service, guidance, and dedication for just $7!!!


If you want to trust a great graphic designer, video editor, and storyteller with your money, you’re likely going to end up one of the HORDES of traders that fail in this business.

If you want to do it the other way? The right way?

Well, you’ve only got until the market opens tomorrow to get started for just $7.


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